quarta-feira, 2 de maio de 2012

Light Scraper - Melbourne City Council

The LightScraper is a towering vortex of visuals and sound feeding off its surroundings.

Featuring real-time 3d graphics and a motion tracking system, the LightScraper explores
new forms of engagement with technology and ultimately each other.

The LightScraper is a custom built aluminium structure, fabricated with a layer of translucent mesh.
The structure can be easily erected in various compositions in an outdoor or indoor setting.
A single computer and two projectors are used to bring the sculptures' visuals to life. The LightScraper
also acts as a giant musical instrument, people’s location influence the melodies emitting from the sculpture.
Visitor's positions are tracked via an infrared camera mounted at the peak of the structure, and transposed
into musical notes, the result is ever-changing melodies and visual delight.


A specially commissioned project for Illuminating York 2007 in northern England, Evoke is a massive animated projection that lights up the facade of York Minster in response to the public, who use their own voices to "evoke" colourful light patterns that emerge at the building's foundations and soar up towards the sky, giving the surface a magical feeling as it melts with colour.

The cathedral, built to link conceptually earth to the heavens, has been a site for the conveyance of words, dreams and aspirations for hundreds of years. The facade is designed to orient the gazes of passers-by upwards. As an attempt to continue this tradition, the patterns of Evoke are generated in realtime by the words, sounds, music and noises produced collectively by the public, determined by their particular voice characteristics. The colours will skim the surface of the Minster, pour round its features and crevasses, emerging finally near the top of the facade where they will sparkle high overhead.

People with voices of different frequencies, rhythms or cadences will be able to evoke quite different magical patterns upon the surface of the building - a staccato chirping will result in a completely different set of visual effects to a long howl for example, blending old and new to continue animating the facade of the Minster.

Inhotim - Através

Através está entre as obras de Cildo Meireles nas quais, por meio de jogos formais com materiais cotidianos, o artista lida com questões mais amplas, como a nossa maneira de perceber o espaço e, em última análise, o mundo. Trata-se de uma coleção de materiais e objetos utilizados comumente para criar barreiras, com os mais diferentes tipos de usos e cargas psicológicas: de uma cortina de chuveiro a uma grade de prisão, passando por materiais de origem doméstica, industrial, institucional. Sempre em dupla, os elementos se organizam com rigor geométrico sobre um chão de vidro estilhaçado, oferecendo diferentes tipos de transparência para os olhos, que à distancia penetra a estrutura. O convite é que o corpo experimente de perto esta estrutura, descobrindo e deixando para trás novas barreiras. Com sua conformação labiríntica e experiência sensorial de descoberta, Através e seus obstáculos aludem às barreiras da vida e ao nosso desejo, nem sempre claro, de superá-las.

Objeto Interativo

Vídeo da performance - Catas Altas

fotos e croquis da ponte- Catas Altas

Sketch up sensitivo do grupo